frequently asked questions

If you have specific questions regarding your piano needs please contact us directly through email. For common questions please view our faqs below.

How often does my piano need tuning?

Depending on usage every piano needs attention at least once or twice a year.

Does humidity effect the pitch of my piano?

A   Excessive humidity in the summer tends to raise the middle (tenor) section of the piano. Winter dryness tends to shrink the wood allowing fine cracks to start to appear. I recommend installing a piano climate control system to obtain a good balance and protection between these extremes.

Q   What is the cost of piano tuning?

There are a number of factors leading to the cost of a tuning. The quality of the piano, the period of time since it has been last tuned, whether it was tuned to pitch (A440). Some may need two tunings to stabilize the instrument or bring it back to A440. Distance and travel time to the location factor into the equation.